Topic 31- Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is very important

Topic 31: Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is very important.

BAND 8.0+


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

What is it?

Where is it grown?

How is it used?

Why is it important to your country?


Vietnam is the world’s agricultural center. Therefore, there are various plants and crops that are very essential to our economy, such as coffee, rubber, and pepper, and more noticeably, rice is our symbol.

Rice has been grown in Vietnam for thousands of years. Vietnam is one of the top five largest countries producing rice in the world, so rice is the iconic plant in Vietnam.

The rice plant is an annual grass and grows to about 1.2 meters (4 feet) in height. The leaves are long. The rice will take roughly six months to grow until it’s ready to be harvested.

When rice is grown, its color is green. But when it’s ready for harvesting, it turns yellow.

Although rice is grown across the country, there are two main regions for rice production in the country, including the Red River Delta in the northeastern part of the country and the Mekong River Delta in the south of Vietnam.

More noticeably, the Mekong River Delta accounts for the majority of rice production volume due to the region’s favorable conditions for agriculture. That’s why it is considered “The Rice Bowl” in southern Vietnam.

Well, this crop is very important for my country because it meets the demand for the main food for millions of people and livestock all over my country.

Besides, the majority of the population of my country is still dependent on this crop for their livelihood and economic needs. It’s a main source of income for Vietnamese citizens because most people are farmers.

Finally, rice is an essential crop for exports in Vietnam. In 2020/2021, Vietnam ranked second among the rice-exporting countries globally.

I think that the rice plant has become one of the greatest symbols of the Vietnamese spirit and deserves large appreciation from all generations.


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

  1. Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

Yes, in my nation, folks are growing plants at home, and home gardening is very famous in urban areas.

People grow different sorts of plants, such as all types of flowers, fruit trees, and so on. Children also like gardening as a hobby.

  1. Do old people grow plants?

Definitely, old folks love too much, as well as having deep knowledge related to planting.

My father is a farmer, and he really likes planting trees or crops.

He always guides me in matters related to planting, and he has a small garden in the backyard as well. He grows rice, many sorts of flowers, vegetables, and so on.

  1. How are plants important to everyday life?

In my opinion, plants are an essential resource; we rely on them for food, water, medicine, the air we breathe, habitat, our climate, and so on.

  1. How do schools teach students to grow plants?

I think that it would be beneficial for schools to organize environmental activities and for teachers to give students information on how to take care of plants and the environment.

  1. What plants are important to the economy in your country?

I reckon that besides rice, as I just mentioned, coffee, rubber, and pepper have become the top export industries that help boost our economy.

  1. Is it common for people to have gardens in your country?

Yes, absolutely.  In fact, it is one of the most popular pastime activities in Vietnam.

In my country, almost every house has a garden in front of it. Especially in my hometown.

Apart from the decorative purpose, I also believe that Vietnamese have gardens for various reasons.

They can purify the air and help keep us healthy. Some plants can even provide medicine or food when needed.

Plants provide a variety of vegetables, fruits, oxygen, and other things and assist in controlling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  1. Do you like plants?

Absolutely. I’m really into plants, especially when it comes to indoor plants because their green color is so relaxing and it also helps me to refresh my mind.

For me, houseplants help me improve concentration and productivity while I work or study at home, which is why I have a small rose bed on our balcony at home.

  1. Do you know a lot about plants? Do you know much about gardening?

Yes. Definitely. As I grew up in the countryside and both my parents are amazing farmers, they taught me many interesting things about plants.

I am always amazed by the diversity of the plants in our area. I’ve tried to remember their names, their functions, and the differences between them.

More noticeably, rice is the most iconic plant in Vietnam.

  1. Have you ever had a plant? Did you ever grow a plant as a child?

Yes. As we live in the city, we don’t have enough space for a large garden, so we can only grow a small rose bed on our balcony or something like that. I have several houseplants at my desk.

For me, they act as beautiful house decorations, helping to purify the air and help me get away from stress.

  1. Would you ever give a plant as a gift?

Yeah, sure. I think giving someone a plant as a present on special occasions, like birthdays or homecoming, is such a great idea. Because if we give them common gifts like clothes, shoes, or jewelry, chances are they are not really fans of that brand or that style.

So plants, especially houseplants, are not only remarkably easy to care for but also an attractive addition to their house.

  1. How can people be encouraged to grow their own food?

As city dwellers become more dependent on supermarkets, persuading them to switch to producing their own food is difficult, but nothing is impossible.

It would be great if the local authorities could organize some harvesting contests, maybe by giving each home a bag of tomato seedlings and seeing which family can grow the most out of it.

Step by step, I believe this does not only stimulate competitiveness among the adults, but it also arouses the kid’s curiosity.

Once these people understand and get accustomed to having available fruit and veggies at the back of their house, they may say goodbye to convenience stores.

  1. Why do people love plants? Why are plants important in our lives?

From my perspective, plants are more than just decorations.

They make our lives brighter simply by being in a room with us, on our window sills, or in balcony gardens.

Plants provide various benefits for people.

They can purify the air and help keep us healthy. Some plants can even provide medicine or food when needed.

Plants provide a variety of vegetables, fruits, oxygen, and other things and assist in controlling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


  1. Crop -n
  • Nghĩa: cây trồng, mùa màng
  • Phiên âm: /krɒp/
  • Farmers cultivate various crops such as wheat, corn, and rice.
  1. The iconic plant
  • Nghĩa: cây biểu tượng
  • Phiên âm: /ðiː aɪˈkɒnɪk plɑːnt/
  • The cherry blossom is considered an iconic plant in Japan.
  1. Account for -v
  • Nghĩa: chiếm, đại diện cho
  • Phiên âm: /əˈkaʊnt fɔːr/
  • Rice production accounts for a significant portion of the country’s agricultural output.
  1. Livestock -n
  • Nghĩa: gia súc, động vật chăn nuôi
  • Phiên âm: /ˈlaɪvstɒk/
  • Farmers raise livestock such as cows, pigs, and chickens for meat and dairy products.
  1. Livelihood -n
  • Nghĩa: sinh kế, nguồn sống
  • Phiên âm: /ˈlaɪvlɪhʊd/
  • Fishing is the primary livelihood of many coastal communities.
  1. A main source of income
  • Nghĩa: nguồn thu chính
  • Phiên âm: /ə meɪn sɔːs ɒv ˈɪnkʌm/
  • Agriculture remains a main source of income for rural communities.
  1. The greatest symbol
  • Nghĩa: biểu tượng vĩ đại nhất
  • Phiên âm: /ðə ˈɡreɪtɪst ˈsɪmbəl/
  • The Statue of Liberty is considered the greatest symbol of freedom.
  1. Spirit -n
  • Nghĩa: tinh thần, linh hồn
  • Phiên âm: /ˈspɪrɪt/
  • The Olympic Games represent the spirit of unity and sportsmanship.
  1. Folks
  • Nghĩa: mọi người, những người dân
  • Phiên âm: /fəʊks/
  • The folks in the village are known for their hospitality and warmth.
  1. Have deep knowledge of or about
  • Nghĩa: có kiến thức sâu rộng
  • Phiên âm: /hæv diːp ˈnɒlɪdʒ/
  • He has deep knowledge of ancient history and mythology.
  1. Pastime activities
  • Nghĩa: hoạt động giải trí, thú vui
  • Phiên âm: /ˈpɑːstaɪm ækˈtɪvɪtiz/
  • Reading and gardening are popular pastime activities for many people.
  1. When it comes to
  • Nghĩa: khi đề cập đến
  • Phiên âm: /wɛn ɪt kʌmz tuː/
  • Ví dụ: When it comes to cooking, she is an expert in preparing traditional dishes.
  1. A small rose bed
  • Nghĩa: một vườn hoa hồng nhỏ
  • Phiên âm: /ə smɔːl rəʊz bɛd/
  • She takes pride in her beautifully maintained, small rose bed.
  1. Be amazed by
  • Nghĩa: bị kinh ngạc bởi
  • Phiên âm: /biː əˈmeɪzd baɪ/
  • Visitors to the museum are often amazed by the impressive art collection.
  1. City dwellers
  • Nghĩa: người sống trong thành phố
  • Phiên âm: /ˈsɪti ˈdwɛlərz/
  • City dwellers tend to have a fast-paced lifestyle compared to those in rural areas.
  1. Seedling -n
  • Nghĩa: cây giống, cây con
  • Phiên âm: /ˈsiːdlɪŋ/
  • The farmer planted the seedlings in the garden to start a new crop.
  1. Get accustomed to
  • Nghĩa: quen với, quen thuộc với
  • Phiên âm: /ɡɛt/biː əˈkʌstəmd tuː/
  • It took some time for him to get accustomed to the new working environment.


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Composed by Ms.Ngọc IELTS