TOPIC 19 – Talk about a person you want to meet for a day or a family member you spend time with.

TOPIC 19 – Talk about a person you want to meet for a day or a family member you spend time with.

BAND 8.0+


Alice (English US)


George (English US)

You should say

Who is the person?

Where do you want to meet them?

What do you want to talk about?

Why do you choose to meet this person?


If I had a chance to hang out with a person for 24 hours, it would be Mr. Vang, who is my cousin. He lives in Can Tho City, in the south of Vietnam. It’s about 200 kilometers from my place.

I’ve known Mr. Vang since I was born because he is just 2 years older than me. My family and his family have spent much time together, meeting up for celebrations and frequent visits throughout the years.

He’s really kind to people around him; he’s well respected in his community. He actively participates in charity events and fundraisers with his wife and his children in my hometown every year.

The reason I really like to talk to him is because Mr. Vang is successful not only financially, but he is also a famous doctor in his field. He founded his pharmaceutical company 10 years ago with nearly 100 employees. His company imports and exports medicine throughout the world. He also made a lot of money in real estate as well. So I can learn a lot from him by talking to him.

The place I want to have a chat with him is in his company, where I can learn how he runs his business and supervises his employees, and it’s so convenient to ask him any questions that I have.

I want to learn from his real-life experience how to be successful in his field and in his business as well, and I want to know some of the biggest challenges he had during his career and what he plans to do in the future. More importantly, he can give me useful advice that I can apply to my life. So by talking to him, I can broaden my horizons and open my mind. Because his success is a role model for me to follow, I never get bored when talking to him.


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

1. What makes a person a celebrity? What factors make a person famous?

From my point of view, some people become renowned because of their natural talents. These people might be famous for singing, acting, or hitting a baseball. Your natural beauty might even lead you to become a famous supermodel one day. Other people may become famous for things they do—both good and bad.

2. Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past? In what way?

No, the same kinds of achievement or “success” used to make people famous in the past as they are today, except, of course, that in the past, those famous people didn’t receive as much media coverage as these days, probably because the media technology back then wasn’t exactly as advanced as it is today.

3. What kind of people become famous these days?

In my opinion, wealthy and powerful people with lots of money are usually famous these days.

To be specific, I would say that music artists, movie stars, cultural celebrities, successful sportspeople, top business executives of very big and profitable companies, successful professionals, and politicians usually fall into the categories of famous people.

Even some “controversial” people—not in good causes most of the time, though—with the help of “media” can become “famous” overnight these days.

4. How do you think people will become famous in the future?

People will become well-known in the same way, as we see it today, through hard work, dedication, and determination, as well as by using their “god-gifted” talents.

However, in my humble opinion, the use of social media networks will probably play the most crucial role in deciding how famous a person will become in the future.

5. How does the media in your country treat famous people?

I reckon that, like any other country, most of the media in my country also treats famous people in a special way.

Of course, media have a huge interest in publishing and showing the news, views, and images of these eminent persons, unless they are some convicted criminals or crooked politicians, so that their sales and viewership increase as much as possible.

However, if these “famous persons” ever fall out of favor with these media, they never hesitate to put “dirt” on them, be it fairly or unfairly.

6. Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?

So, naturally, they become curious about the lives of famous people to learn what kind of things they exactly do that make them so “famous”.

Besides, everybody wants to “identify” themselves with successful and important people in order to prove that they are also considered “important” to others.

7. What do you think is required for a person to become a celebrity, and why?

Hard work and talent are definitely essential to becoming famous; they also need luck to meet the right person at the right time.

Like an actress, 10 years ago Nha Phuong appeared in several films, but she was not famous. But her recent video went viral; it spread so quickly and widely on the internet through social media and email, which is why she is so famous now.


  1. real-life experience –n-
  • Nghĩa: kinh nghiệm thực tế
  • Phiên âm: /ˌriːlˈlaɪf ɪkˈspɪəriəns/
  • Ví dụ: Traveling to different countries gave her valuable real-life experiences and cultural insights.
  1. broaden sb’s horizon
  • Nghĩa: mở rộng tầm nhìn của ai đó
  • Phiên âm: /ˈbrɔːdən sʌmbədiz həˈraɪzən/
  • Ví dụ: Studying abroad can broaden a student’s horizon by exposing them to different cultures and perspectives.
  1. open sb’s mind
  • Nghĩa: mở lòng, mở trí óc của ai đó
  • Phiên âm: /ˈəʊpən sʌmbədiz maɪnd/
  • Ví dụ: Reading books from various genres can open your mind to new ideas and viewpoints.
  1. a role model
  • Nghĩa: tấm gương, người mẫu gương
  • Phiên âm: /ə ˈrəʊl ˈmɒdl/
  • Ví dụ: The Nobel laureate was considered a role model for aspiring scientists around the world.
  1. Renowned –adj-
  • Nghĩa: nổi tiếng, có tiếng
  • Phiên âm: /rɪˈnaʊnd/
  • Ví dụ: The restaurant is renowned for its exquisite cuisine and exceptional service.
  1. media coverage
  • Nghĩa: sự đưa tin trên phương tiện truyền thông
  • Phiên âm: /ˈmiːdiə ˈkʌvərɪdʒ/
  • Ví dụ: The event received extensive media coverage, attracting the attention of millions of viewers.
  1. Wealthy –adj-
  • Nghĩa: giàu có
  • Phiên âm: /ˈwɛlθi/
  • Ví dụ: The wealthy businessman owned multiple luxury properties and expensive cars.
  1. well-known –adj-
  • Nghĩa: nổi tiếng, được biết đến rộng rãi
  • Phiên âm: /wɛl noʊn/
  • Ví dụ: The artist is well-known for his unique painting style and innovative techniques.
  1. in my humble opinion
  • Nghĩa: theo ý kiến khiêm tốn của tôi
  • Phiên âm: /ɪn maɪ ˈhʌmbəl əˈpɪnjən/
  • Ví dụ: In my humble opinion, teamwork is essential for achieving success in any project.
  1. Eminent -adj
  • Nghĩa: xuất chúng, lỗi lạc
  • Phiên âm: /ˈɛmɪnənt/
  • Ví dụ: The professor was considered an eminent figure in the field of astrophysics.
  1. convict criminals
  • Nghĩa: kết án tội phạm
  • Phiên âm: /kənˈvɪkt ˈkrɪmɪnəlz/
  • Ví dụ: The evidence presented in court was enough to convict the criminals of their crimes.
  1. go viral
  • Nghĩa: trở nên phổ biến trên mạng, lan truyền rộng rãi
  • Phiên âm: /wɛnt ˈvaɪrəl/
  • Ví dụ: The video of the cute puppy went viral on social media, gaining millions of views in just a few hours.


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Composed by Ms.Ngọc IELTS