TOPIC 32- Describe a good law in your country.

TOPIC 32- Describe a good law in your country.

BAND 8.0+


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

What is the law?

How did you learn about it?

Who does this law affect?

Why is this a good law, and what would be the consequence of not having it?


I believe that every country has numerous laws and regulations in place to ensure security and maintain order, with the primary purpose of improving people’s quality of life. Vietnam is no exception. After reviewing this topic, the law regarding wearing helmets for motorcyclists comes to mind because I consider it highly effective in reducing accidents in Vietnam.

As you know, Vietnam has a high burden of road traffic injuries, being the country where motorcycles are by far the primary mode of transport across the nation, with thousands of new motorcycles on the road each day, according to the WHO.

Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of unintentional injuries, accounting for the greatest proportion of deaths from unintentional injuries.

It has been estimated that more accidents in Vietnam occur among motorcycle drivers and passengers than any other mode of transport.

Therefore, back in 2007, the government enacted a law that made it mandatory for all motorcycle riders and passengers to wear safety helmets on every type of road.

If they don’t wear helmets on the road, they can be stopped and given fines by the police.

Obviously, since this law was introduced in Vietnam, it has faced quite many challenges concerning the quality of helmets, the enforcement of it on children, and people’s lack of awareness.

However, it can’t be denied that this law has made traveling by road in Vietnam significantly safer.

Research from the government has shown that the number of road traffic injuries and fatalities has witnessed a decrease as helmets lower the frequency and severity of head injuries resulting from traffic crashes.

I believe that if we didn’t comply with this law, there could be dire repercussions for the injured, their families, and the government because road traffic injuries cause considerable economic losses to individuals, their families, and to nations as a whole.

Therefore, I think that this law should be enforced strictly, and all law-breakers should be fined.



Alice (English US)

George (English US)

  1. What are the most common causes of road-related accidents?

In my opinion, There are various reasons that cause traffic accidents, such as overspeeding, drunken Drunken Driving, distractions to drivers, red light jumping, and so on.

  1. What are the consequences of accidents?

From my perspective, there are countless dire repercussions related to accidents.

Firstly, drivers and passengers can suffer from minor cuts and bruises to broken limbs, whiplash, back and spinal injuries, paralysis, and even death.

Secondly, vehicles in road accidents are damaged, may be in need of minor or costly repairs, or may even be no longer drivable.

Moreover, road traffic injuries cause considerable economic losses to individuals, their families, and to nations as a whole.

Last but not least, their deaths often significantly reduce family incomes. Serious injuries have

also have long-term impacts on household incomes for low-income households and can have

serious consequences on the household quality of life

  1. What are the effects of accidents on society?

From my point of view, the social consequences of road traffic accidents include the loss of productivity for the victims, the cost of the legal system, the cost of pain and suffering, and the loss of quality of life for the victim and their family. The loss of productivity represents a significant proportion of the total social costs.

It can increase the economic burden on their family and government.

  1. Which are the most basic laws that govern most people around the world?

Based on my observation, there are several laws around the world regarding marriages, business, violence, theft, traffic, and religion, which are quite commonplace in most places to keep people safe from danger and to enable society to prosper.

  1. Can you elaborate on it?

Yes, definitely. some laws related to traffic, like having your driver’s license or wearing our seatbelt, and obeying all traffic laws and signals.

  1. Why should we follow the rules strictly?

I reckon that following the rules keeps pretty much everything in order. Obeying the law protects peace, public order, and good health.

Without laws, this world would turn into a chaotic mess all around, like traffic accidents, thiefs, violence, burglary, wars, and kidnapping.

  1. Why do people obey the law?

I believe that the main reason is that they want to avoid legal consequences and sanctions.

  1. Can you elaborate on it?

Of course, for example, on roads, if we don’t follow the traffic rules, no one will be able to reach his or her destination on time, and several accidents will take place.

  1. What international law should be applied all over the world?

I think that humanitarian law can be applied around the world. It protects innocent civilians and those not or no longer involved in the fighting, including medical and religious personnel, wounded combatants, civilian internees, and prisoners of war.


  1. The quality of life
  • Nghĩa: chất lượng cuộc sống
  • Phiên âm: /ˈkwɒlɪti ɒv laɪf/
  • Ví dụ: Access to healthcare, education, and basic amenities greatly affects the quality of life of individuals.
  1. A high burden
  • Nghĩa: gánh nặng lớn
  • Phiên âm: /ə haɪ ˈbɜːdn/
  • Ví dụ: The increasing healthcare costs have become a high burden for many families.
  1. The primary mode of transport
  • Nghĩa: phương tiện vận chuyển chính
  • Phiên âm: /ðə ˈpraɪməri məʊd ɒv ˈtrænspɔːt/
  • Ví dụ: In many developing countries, motorcycles are the primary mode of transport for the majority of the population.
  1. Unintentional injuries
  • Nghĩa: chấn thương không chủ ý
  • Phiên âm: /ˌʌnɪnˈtɛnʃənl ˈɪnʤəriz/
  • Ví dụ: Unintentional injuries, such as falls and burns, are a leading cause of hospitalizations.
  1. Enact a law
  • Nghĩa: ban hành luật
  • Phiên âm: /ɪˈnækt ə lɔː/
  • Ví dụ: The government decided to enact a new law to address the rising crime rates.
  1. Make it mandatory
  • Nghĩa: làm cho bắt buộc
  • Phiên âm: /meɪk ɪt ˈmændətɔːri/
  • Ví dụ: The school made it mandatory for students to wear uniforms.
  1. Fines
  • Nghĩa: tiền phạt
  • Phiên âm: /faɪnz/
  • Ví dụ: If you violate traffic rules, you may face fines or penalties.
  1. Face many challenges
  • Nghĩa: đối mặt với nhiều thách thức
  • Phiên âm: /feɪs ˈmɛni ˈʧælɪnʤɪz/
  • Ví dụ: Small businesses face many challenges, including competition and limited resources.
  1. Fatality-n
  • Nghĩa: tử vong
  • Phiên âm: /fəˈtæləti/
  • Ví dụ: The car accident resulted in one fatality and several injuries.
  1. Traffic crashes/ traffic accidents
  • Nghĩa: tai nạn giao thông
  • Phiên âm: /ˈtræfɪk ˈkræʃɪz/
  • Ví dụ: Strict traffic regulations aim to reduce the number of traffic crashes.
  1. Comply with this law
  • Nghĩa: tuân thủ luật này
  • Phiên âm: /kəmˈplaɪ wɪð ðɪs lɔː/
  • Ví dụ: It is important to comply with this law to ensure public safety.
  1. Dire repercussions
  • Nghĩa: hậu quả nghiêm trọng
  • Phiên âm: /ˈdaɪər ˌriːpəˈkʌʃənz/
  • Ví dụ: Ignoring environmental conservation can have dire repercussions for future generations.
  1. As a whole
  • Nghĩa: nhìn chung, vào cả
  • Phiên âm: /æz ə həʊl/
  • Ví dụ: The project, as a whole, was a success despite a few minor setbacks.
  1. Law-breakers
  • Nghĩa: người vi phạm pháp luật
  • Phiên âm: /lɔːˈbreɪkərz/
  • Ví dụ: Law-breakers will be subject to legal consequences for their actions.
  1. Last but not least-idiom
  • Nghĩa: cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần quan trọng
  • Phiên âm: /lɑːst bʌt nɒt ˈliː- Ví dụ: We need to consider the environmental impact of our actions. Last but not least, we should reduce our carbon footprint.
  1. Low-income households
  • Nghĩa: các hộ gia đình thu nhập thấp
  • Phiên âm: /ləʊ-ˈɪnkʌm ˈhaʊsˌhəʊldz /
  • Ví dụ: The lack of affordable housing options puts low-income households at a disadvantage and increases the economic burden on them.
  1. Commonplace -adj
  • Nghĩa: phổ biến, thông thường
  • Phiên âm: /ˈkɒmənpleɪs/
  • Ví dụ: In many urban areas, traffic congestion has become commonplace, causing delays and frustration for commuters.
  1. Keep things in order
  • Nghĩa: giữ mọi thứ trong trật tự
  • Phiên âm: /kiːp θɪŋz ɪn ˈɔːdər/
  • Ví dụ: It’s important to keep your workspace clean and organized to keep things in order.
  1. A chaotic mess
  • Nghĩa: một tình trạng hỗn loạn, lộn xộn
  • Phiên âm: /ə keɪˈɒtɪk mɛs/
  • Ví dụ: The room was left in a chaotic mess after the party.
  1. Burglary-n
  • Nghĩa: trộm cắp (nhà)
  • Phiên âm: /ˈbɜːgləri/
  • Ví dụ: The police are investigating a series of burglaries in the neighborhood.
  1. Kidnapping -n
  • Nghĩa: bắt cóc
  • Phiên âm: /ˈkɪdnæpɪŋ/
  • Ví dụ: The kidnapping of the child shocked the entire community.
  1. Sanction -n
  • Nghĩa: trừng phạt
  • Phiên âm: /ˈsæŋkʃən/
  • Ví dụ: The government imposed economic sanctions on the country as a response to its human rights violations.
  1. Humanitarian law
  • Nghĩa: luật nhân đạo
  • Phiên âm: /hjuːˌmænɪˈtɛːriːən lɔː/
  • Ví dụ: Humanitarian law aims to protect and assist civilians during armed conflicts.
  1. Innocent civilians
  • Nghĩa: dân thường vô tội
  • Phiên âm: /ˈɪnəsənt sɪˈvɪliənz/
  • Ví dụ: The bombing resulted in the death of many innocent civilians.
  1. Wounded combatants
  • Nghĩa: chiến binh bị thương
  • Phiên âm: /ˈwuːndɪd ˈkɒmbətənts/
  • Ví dụ: Medical facilities provide care for wounded combatants during times of war.
  1. Civilian internees
  • Nghĩa: công dân bị giam cầm
  • Phiên âm: /sɪˈvɪliən ɪnˈtɜːniːz/
  • Ví dụ: During conflicts, civilian internees may be held in detention camps for security reasons.


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Composed by Ms.Ngọc IELTS