TOPIC 22 – Talk about a club you have been a member of in the past.

TOPIC 22 – Talk about a club you have been a member of in the past

BAND 8.0+


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

What was this club?

How long have you been in this club?

What did you do in this club?

So you like being a member of this club, and why did you stop?


I used to belong to an English club called TOEIC with friends from 2012 to 2015. This is a TOEIC club for every person learning TOEIC or improving TOEIC to get high scores.

I remember vividly that after graduating from university in 2012, I wanted to learn TOEIC and wanted to get high scores. I thought that it was really useful to join this club.

There are 4 people, all the same age, with a shared goal of becoming TOEIC teachers. At that time, the demand for TOEIC was so great. So we founded a group called TOEIC with friends on Facebook.

Our main duties are to post any questions regarding TOEIC and give clear answers to those questions. And we also shared a lot of knowledge about English, or TOEIC, with other members of the group. We worked tirelessly, so our group attracted a number of new members in a short time. Just within 5 months, the number of members increased from 1000 to 10,000. Every month, we have an offline meeting to discuss many things about TOEIC, divide the responsibilities among the four of us, and help each other to improve ourselves.

I really like being a member of this club because it sets a solid foundation for my career. I learned a lot from my team members; being one of the administrators is great motivation for me, and many other people knew me as well.

I had to be a role model for other members, so I had to learn around the clock to improve and broaden my knowledge. That’s why I got 950 points out of 990 points the second time.

The reason I am not an administrator in this club anymore is because I don’t have a lot of time; I have to teach my classes and do other tasks. But more importantly, now I shift or change my focus on IELTS. So I need to put a lot of time and effort into IELTS.

Although I am not a member of that club, we still have good connections with each other and still share that bond. We also help each other whenever every member is in trouble.


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

  1. What are the common kinds of organizations that people participate in?

Aside from an English club, as I just mentioned, there are a lot of clubs that people can take part in, such as sports clubs, music clubs, dance clubs, and fan clubs.

People can also join clubs to socialize and to help others, like UNICEF, some charities, or non-governmental organizations like NGO.

  1. Would you like to work alone or with a partner?

I enjoy working independently since I kind of hate being dependent on other people. However, it also depends on the team members. If I have fantastic support from all the group members, I find it quite enjoyable.

  1. What type of people are good to use?

I think that the most important quality I try to look for in team members is sincerity. I mean sincerity with work. I’ve sadly worked with a lot of individuals who procrastinate endlessly, and I really dislike working with such people.

  1. Do you enjoy teamwork or group studying?

Yes, group learning or work is certainly enjoyable because it involves the sharing of ideas and discussions. Working or studying alone can sometimes be very tedious. But occasionally it is also irritating, especially if some of the group members like talking a lot, because then I get distracted.

So if I had to choose only one, I would work or study by myself.

  1. What are the benefits of studying alone?

The biggest benefit of studying alone is definitely that we can concentrate better. So, it’s more effective to study independently. Another advantage of studying alone is flexibility. What I mean is that we can study wherever or where we need to, and we can study at our own pace.

  1. What can children learn through teamwork?

From my point of view, the most significant benefit is that children learn how to cooperate and work alongside others. This is really valuable in adult life when people have to work together on projects.

  1. What are the disadvantages of working in a group?

In my opinion, there are several drawbacks when it comes to working in a team.

Firstly, functioning in a group can be really inefficient because we must work at a common speed.
Secondly, it occasionally leads to a sense of jealousy in the event other members aren’t very sincere in their work and we’re dependent upon them to finish their job.

  1. Is it great to have differences within a group?

It can be both no and yes. Yes, because staff differences make sure more time is spent deliberating on issues, so there are fewer chances of mistakes. No, because having differences means it slows things down.

  1. What are the key skills and abilities necessary to be prosperous in a team?

I think that the major skill required to achieve success is the ability to work well with others. People should be accommodating. What I mean is that they should be open to the ideas of others but also express their thoughts and reservations about the ideas of others.


  1. are the same age
  • Nghĩa: cùng một tuổi
  • Phiên âm: /ɑːr ðə seɪm eɪdʒ/
  • Ví dụ: John and Sarah are the same age, they were born in the same year.
  1. set a solid foundation for
  • Nghĩa: xây dựng nền tảng vững chắc cho
  • Phiên âm: /sɛt ə ˈsɒlɪd faʊnˈdeɪʃən fɔːr/
  • Ví dụ: Education in early childhood sets a solid foundation for future learning.
  1. a role model
  • Nghĩa: hình mẫu, người mẫu
  • Phiên âm: /ə rəʊl ˈmɒdl/
  • Ví dụ: Nelson Mandela is often regarded as a role model for his leadership and perseverance.
  1. learn around the clock
  • Nghĩa: học suốt ngày đêm
  • Phiên âm: /lɜːn əˈraʊnd ðə klɒk/
  • Ví dụ: Medical students have to learn around the clock to keep up with the demanding curriculum.
  1. put a lot of time and effort into
  • Nghĩa: dành nhiều thời gian và nỗ lực cho
  • Phiên âm: /pʊt ə lɒt ɒv taɪm ænd ˈɛfət ˈɪntuː/
  • Ví dụ: She put a lot of time and effort into preparing for the exam.
  1. Sincerity –n-
  • Nghĩa: sự thành thật, lòng thành thật
  • Phiên âm: /sɪnˈsɛrɪti/
  • Ví dụ: His sincerity was evident in the way he apologized for his mistake.
  1. procrastinate endlessly
  • Nghĩa: trì hoãn mãi mãi, không chịu làm ngay
  • Phiên âm: /prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt ˈɛndləsli/
  • Ví dụ: If you procrastinate endlessly, you’ll never get anything done.
  1. Irritating -adj
  • Nghĩa: gây khó chịu, làm phiền
  • Phiên âm: /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/
  • Ví dụ: His constant interruptions were irritating during the meeting.
  1. at our own pace
  • Nghĩa: theo tốc độ của chúng ta
  • Phiên âm: /æt aʊər əʊn peɪs/
  • Ví dụ: Online courses allow learners to study at their own pace.
  1. work alongside
  • Nghĩa: làm việc cùng với
  • Phiên âm: /wɜːrk əˈlɒŋˈsaɪd/
  • Ví dụ: The team members worked alongside each other to complete the project.
  1. when it comes to
  • Nghĩa: khi đề cập đến, khi nói đến
  • Phiên âm: /wɛn ɪt kʌmz tuː/
  • Ví dụ: She’s very knowledgeable when it comes to technology.
  1. a sense of jealousy
  • Nghĩa: cảm giác ghen tỵ
  • Phiên âm: /ə sɛns ɒv ˈdʒɛləsi/
  • Ví dụ: Her success sparked a sense of jealousy among her colleagues.


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Composed by Ms.Ngọc IELTS