TOPIC 2 – Talk about a dangerous object that you have used

TOPIC 2 – Talk about a dangerous object that you have used.


BAND 8.0+

Alice (English US)

George (English US)


What it is and what it looks like

When did you use it?

Why did you use it?

Why is it dangerous, and how can you use it safely?


I really like drinking smoothies, so I recently bought a blender. Like any blender, it is used to mix or crush food, fruits, ice, or any other substances.

It consists of a blender container with a rotating metal blade at the bottom, powered by an electric motor that is in the base. It weighs about 500 grams. It’s quite lightweight.

I use it every single day, especially in the morning, as after having breakfast, I usually drink a little smoothie to keep me healthy and want to have more energy, and it can boost my immune system for the day.

This machine is fun and efficient to use, but if not used well, it can either seriously injure /ˈɪndʒər/ or even kill a person. Putting too much food or fruit inside can cause the jar to explode due to pressure. And an electrical wiring failure in the blender could cause it to explode.

I remember vividly last month when I used it to make a banana smoothie. I put a lot of bananas inside, so when it was operating for 30 seconds, it suddenly exploded. At that time, I can say that I freaked out a lot. So I was in a hurry to unplug it.

After experiencing this problem, I usually take every precaution when using it and ensure that I don’t put a lot of stuff inside. To be safer, I wear earplugs and glasses when operating it.

Every time, before using it, I usually check everything to ensure that it will run safely.


Alice (English US)

George (English US)

  1. Who taught you how to use a blender?

Oh, it’s definitely my husband; he teaches me to use many devices in my home, but I’m really clumsy, so I usually mess them up.

  1. What are some common objects around the home that can be dangerous when used incorrectly?

Aside from the blender I just mentioned, there are many household items that can be hazardous if not used properly, like knives, hairdryers, printers, and saws. These items can cut, burn, and electrocute /ɪˈlektrəkjuːt/ users. I’ve cut myself with a knife by accident several times in the past.

  1. Which of these most often leads to injuries?

I would say the kitchen knife is the most dangerous item in the house, as it is frequently used. There are thousands of people around the world who cut a finger while using it.

  1. Where are some common places where people can encounter lots of dangerous items?

Aside from the kitchen at home, The construction sites come to my mind. There are many types of heavy machines, which can be dangerous if people don’t pay attention when using them. Or landfills, at which there are large amounts of waste, are dangerous as they can cause many serious health problems.

  1. How have technological advancements reduced the danger of certain tools?

I reckon that new innovations have made a lot of equipment much safer than in the past. And various new types of sensors and materials reduce risk a lot these days.

  1. Can you give a couple of examples of this?

Oh yes, of course. Some safety gear like helmets, clothes, safety glasses, earplugs, gloves, and many other things protect us.

  1. What should people do before they use an object that is potentially dangerous?

I believe that it’s important to read safety instructions and user manuals before using an object.

It’s a good idea to watch safety videos online or get the right training.

Finally, It could be bad to use anything without knowing how to use it properly and safely.

  1. Why do some people not do this?

I think that it’s mostly their ignorance.

The pace of life has really increased in a lot of parts of the world, which means a lot of people are very busy, so they want to get a job done quickly, so they don’t pay attention to safety.

  1. What kinds of objects are commonly found around the home that help people avoid injuries?

This is a  good question.  something to reduce or minimize the risk of injuries, like gloves, safety glasses, earplugs, or helmets.

  1. Where should people store objects like these?

It can be better for people to keep these items in an easy-to-access and visible place so they can remember to use them. I keep my helmet on a hook next to my entrance, so whenever I go out, I always remember to take it with me.


  1. smoothy /ˈsmuːði/ (nghĩa: nước ép trái cây hoặc rau mịn)
    • Example: I start my day with a delicious smoothie made from fresh berries and yogurt.
  2. lightweight /ˈlaɪtweɪt/ (nghĩa: nhẹ nhàng, không nặng)
    • Example: The new laptop is lightweight, making it easy to carry around all day.
  3. boost immune system /buːst ɪˈmjuːn ˈsɪstəm/ (nghĩa: tăng cường hệ miễn dịch)
    • Example: Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep can help boost your immune system.
  4. remember vividly /rɪˈmɛmbər ˈvɪvɪdli/ (nghĩa: nhớ rõ, sâu sắc)
    • Example: I remember vividly the day I met my favorite author. It was a dream come true.
  5. freak out /friːk aʊt/ (nghĩa: hoảng sợ, hoảng loạn)
    • Example: The loud noise startled me, and I freaked out for a moment.
  6. take every precaution /teɪk ˈɛvri prɪˈkɔːʃən/ (nghĩa: thận trọng, cẩn trọng)
    • Example: Before going camping, it’s important to take every precaution to ensure your safety.
  7. clumsy /ˈklʌmzi/ (nghĩa: vụng về, lúng túng)
    • Example: I’m so clumsy that I often bump into things and drop objects accidentally.
  8. mess something up /mɛs ˈsʌmθɪŋ ʌp/ (nghĩa: làm hỏng, làm lộn xộn)
    • Example: I accidentally spilled coffee on my shirt and messed it up.
  9. Aside from /əˈsaɪd frɒm/ (nghĩa: ngoài ra, bên cạnh)
    • Example: Aside from studying, she enjoys playing the piano in her free time.
  • hazardous /ˈhæzədəs/ – adj – (nghĩa: nguy hiểm, mạo hiểm)
    • Example: It’s important to wear protective gear when working with hazardous chemicals.
  • electrocute /ɪˈlɛktrəˌkjuːt/ – V (nghĩa: bị điện giật)
    • Example: Be careful not to touch exposed wires, as they can electrocute you.
  • Aside from /əˈsaɪd frɒm/ – Pre (nghĩa: ngoài ra, bên cạnh)
    • Example: Aside from his job as a teacher, he is also a talented musician.
  • pay attention to /peɪ əˈtɛnʃən tuː/ -V- (nghĩa: chú ý đến)
    • Example: It’s important to pay attention to the road while driving to avoid accidents.
  • landfills /ˈlændfɪlz/ -N – (nghĩa: bãi rác)
    • Example: Proper waste management is essential to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.
  • safety gear /ˈseɪfti ɡɪr/ (nghĩa: trang thiết bị an toàn)
    • Example: Before riding a bike, make sure to wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet and knee pads.
  • ignorance /ˈɪɡnərəns/ – n- (nghĩa: sự không biết, sự thiếu kiến thức)
    • Example: Ignorance about the dangers of smoking can lead to serious health problems.
  • The pace of life /ðə peɪs əv laɪf/ (nghĩa: nhịp sống, tốc độ cuộc sống)
    • Example: In the city, the pace of life is often fast and hectic.
  • in an easy-to-access and visible place /ɪn ən ˈiːzi tuː ˈæksɛs ænd ˈvɪzəbl pleɪs/ (nghĩa: ở một vị trí dễ tiếp cận và dễ nhìn thấy)
  • Example: Keep the emergency contact numbers in an easy-to-access and visible place in case of an emergency.
  • keep something on a hook /kiːp ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɒn ə hʊk/ (nghĩa: treo cái gì đó vào móc)
  • Example: Hang your coat on a hook by the door when you enter the house.


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Composed by Ms.Ngọc IELTS