David (English US)

Kate (English US)


1/ What’s your name?

My full name is ——, but please call me by my English nickname, ——.

2/ Where did you grow up?

I was born in Hong Ngu District, Dong Thap Province, which is in the south of Vietnam. I lived there for nearly 20 years before moving to HCM.

3/ What do you like to do for relaxation?

Actually, in order to unwind, I want to immerse myself in music at home and watch some comedy movies on the internet. Sometimes, I go out with my husband or my friends. Yesterday, we just had dinner at the best restaurant in my city.

4/ What do you like to do on your vacations?

I’m really fond of /fɑːnd/ going sightseeing, enjoying special or local food, and exploring the local places of interest. Last year, I had a great trip with my parents in Thailand. We had a wonderful time enjoying delicious food and exploring some local attractions there.

5/ How many days do you usually take for a vacation?

It normally takes about a week. I think that one week is sufficient for me to refresh my mind and enjoy my trip. Just 9 months ago, I took a 7-day holiday with my family in Thailand. It was really great!

6/ What was your favorite vacation until now?

It’s hard to say because I’ve had a few amazing trips during the last year.

But my favorite holiday I liked most was the trip to Thai Lan with my parents last year. Because that was the first time for my parents to travel abroad and the first time to travel by plane, they were really excited and happy. After the trip, my mother always talks about her experience in Thailand with her neighbors and relatives. So it is the most unforgettable holiday for me, and I really love it.

7/ If you could go somewhere for a couple of weeks to relax, where would you go?

It is difficult to choose because there are tons of places to choose from.

If I could go anywhere, I would travel to the US. I’ve seen a lot of magnificent cities in movies, it would be amazing to check them out in real life. So traveling to  America has always been my dream.

8/ Have you visited another continent?

No, I haven’t had a chance to travel to any continent. The only nation that I traveled to was Thailand, as I mentioned, but traveling around the world is always in my dreams.


  1. immerse yourself in /ɪˈmɜːrs/ : có nghĩa là đắm chìm, đắm mình hoàn toàn vào…
    g: “When you visit a foreign country, try to immerse yourself in the local culture by interacting with the locals, trying the traditional food, and learning about their customs and traditions.”

(Dịch: “Khi bạn đi du lịch đến một quốc gia nước ngoài, hãy cố gắng đắm mình vào văn hóa địa phương bằng cách tương tác với người dân địa phương, thử đồ ăn truyền thống và tìm hiểu về phong tục và truyền thống của họ.”)

  1. Places of interest : những địa điểm, địa điểm du lịch.

E.g: “Paris is known for its iconic places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.”

(Dịch: “Paris nổi tiếng với những địa điểm hấp dẫn như Tháp Eiffel, Bảo tàng Louvre và Nhà thờ Đức Bà Notre-Dame.”)

  1. Go sightseeing: đi tham quan.
    g: “I love going sightseeing in coastal towns, where I can enjoy beautiful beaches, picturesque lighthouses, and charming seaside villages.”

(Dịch: “Tôi thích đi tham quan ở các thị trấn ven biển, nơi tôi có thể tận hưởng bãi biển đẹp, những ngọn hải đăng đẹp mắt và những ngôi làng ven biển quyến rũ.”)

  1. local attractions : các địa điểm thu hút địa phương.
    g : I recently visited a small town in the countryside, and one of the local attractions that caught my attention was a historic castle.
    (Dịch: “Gần đây tôi đã đến thăm một thị trấn nhỏ ở vùng quê, và một trong những điểm thu hút địa phương gây chú ý của tôi là một lâu đài lịch sử.)
  2. refresh my mind : Làm sảng khoái hoặc cải thiện tâm trạng và tinh thần.
    g : “After a long day at work, I like to take a walk in the park to refresh my mind and clear my thoughts.”

(Dịch: “Sau một ngày làm việc dài, tôi thích đi dạo trong công viên để làm mới tâm trí và xóa tan những suy nghĩ.”)

  1. Magnificent /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ SYNONYM splendid : đẹp, tráng lệ và ấn tượng một cách đặc biệt.

E.g: “The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely magnificent. We could see the vast expanse of the valley and the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding landscape.”

(Dịch: “Cảnh quan từ đỉnh núi thật sự tuyệt vời. Chúng tôi có thể nhìn thấy đồng cỏ trải dài bao la và vẻ đẹp kỳ vĩ của cảnh quan xung quanh.”)

  1. Take/ go on/ have : a trip/ holiday/ vacation : có 1 chuyến du lịch/ kỳ nghỉ.

E.g.: She’s away on a business trip. From here visitors can take a boat trip along the coast to Lundy Island.
Dịch: Cô ấy đang đi công tác. Từ đây, khách tham quan có thể tham gia chuyến du thuyền dọc theo bờ biển đến Đảo Lundy.

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